Sunday, April 22, 2007

british sheep

Well said--see below.
Remember the police generally show up afterwards and try to figure out who did the crime, not rush in at the nick of time to save YOU.

Anyone ever notice how all those cop shows would be like if the victim was armed?

Anyway you are responsible for yourself, get used to it.

From the Corner

Britain, America and Guns [
Andrew Stuttaford]
Here's an interesting post from 'Tom Paine' blogging away in Moscow. Prompted by much of the British response (too often it was gleefully smug) to the V-Tech tragedy Paine (a Brit) concludes as follows:

To carry a licensed gun in America, you must - in every State - have a clean criminal record. Am I naive enough to expect American criminals to obey America's gun control laws? No. The naive ones are those who expect British criminals to abide by Britain's. They simply don't. While, by definition, no law-abiding citizen in Britain is armed; one-third of young criminals own or have access to a gun. There may be as many as four million illegal firearms in Britain. For most of my life, I shared the common British view that America's attitude to gun control was crazy. However, disarming the law-abiding has proved to be disastrous. The British State can't or won't protect us. We were stupid to let it disarm us. Can we please just shut up about V-Tech? We have no leg to stand on.

That's well said. Read the whole thing.