Sunday, April 22, 2007

Know your enemy

More from The Corner

It is unfortunate we don't take the gloves off with our moslem enemies.

They are busy sexing vegetables--see below.

Religious tolerance is the concept we are hammered with as Westerners. The problem is the tolerance is supposed to be between intra-Christian. Being tolerant of intolerant islam is silly, dangerous and will end in a humongous war in the next 50 years.

We have a religious war coming where both sides are taking part. Right now only one side is taking part(hint:isl.....) the other side is wringing their hankies out over Abu Grab............................

More Corner

How Crazy Is Al Qaeda? [Andy McCarthy]
AP via the Houston Chronicle (h/t Wretchard at The Belmont Club):
American commanders cite al-Qaida's severe brand of Islam, which is so extreme that in Baqouba, al-Qaida has warned street vendors not to place tomatoes beside cucumbers because the vegetables are different genders, Col. David Sutherland said.