The first of a multi part series for citizens, not LE or military.
So skipping the intro..... here we go.
Guns are not a magic charm, they by themselves will not prevent bad things from happening to you. See the many hunter's who get lost and die while armed. Indeed, all one would need to do is wear a gun and no crime or bad things would ever occur in your vicinity. Riiiiiiiiight.............
So in order for a gun to be useful one must be ready to use it and have it with them. Don't think by flashing it around, it will save you. If the perp. (perpetrator) thinks you won't shoot he will attack. Granted 9 of 10 times just grabbing iron and being ready will end the incident, but there is that remainder where you have to shoot.
Mindset, if you can not shoot a perp to protect yourself or a loved one you should seek other solutions. A gun is not for you.