I think all moslems are wicked.
This is one of many examples. The below just rubs the wrong way.
Not all religions are considered the same I suppose. America and the West think through a Judeo-Christian-western mindset. Our enemy does not.
Didn't the big rhubarb in Shiite'ville(Sistanni?) call infidels the same as semen and feces?
Also what makes semen dirty like sh*t?
On Muslims Praying for Non-Muslim Dead [Candace de Russy]
From the MEMRI blog:
Liberal Arab Website Reports: Debate on Virginia Tech Muslims Students' Mailing List Concerning Permissibility of Praying for Mercy for Non-Muslim Victims
The liberal Arabic-language website Aafaq reports that a Muslim student set off a debate when she sent an email to the mailing list of a Muslim students' association (rabitat al-tullab al-muslimin) at Virginia Tech asking the students to pray that Allah have mercy on those killed and wounded in the shooting attack at the university.
According to Aafaq, the dean of student affairs at American International University, Abu Hamza Hijji, responded, writing that Allah the Most Merciful forbids praying for mercy for the non-Muslim dead, or even for the non-Muslim living, and that it is only permitted to pray that they be rightly guided. He added that what happened was a sad occurrence, but that does not give Muslims the right to transgress the laws of Allah the Most Merciful.
Source: Aafaq.org, April 17, 2007