I'm going to piggy back on the below from The Corner.
Culture matters. Islamic culture is pathetic. It is backward.....let's see someone rapes your daughter or sister and the appropriate response is...........
A) kill her
B)kill the attacker.
Guess which choice most moslems choose, that is right, A) they kill their daughter or sister, which is 180 degrees out of sync with a normal though process.
If we go back to prehistoric times can you picture a caveman doing this?(no offence to the guy in the Geico adverts)
You gotta read this [Michael Ledeen]
I love this blog
it's the best analysis of, and remedy for, liberal guilt i've read in a long long time.
Try this, for example:
We have bought into multiculturalism because we no longer have the fortitude, the honesty or the intelligence to look someone in the eye and tell them, “Look, you are humiliated because you do not have the culture or political leaders or the education to be otherwise. You really need to stop making such a big deal about feeling humiliated. Why not try some of these simple steps toward civilization instead:
1. Specifically outlaw honor killing
2. Stop beating your wife and/or kids.
3. Send your kids to a decent school where they won’t waste their time memorizing an entire “holy book” to the exclusion of learning critical thinking skills and studying arithmetic, science and geography.
4. Forget using Israel, Jews and America as the excuse for being a looser.
5. Understand that your leader (fill in one: Ahmadinejad, Assad, Kadafy, Mubarak, Abdullah etc…) is a tyrant of the worst sort and is actually working hard to keep you ignorant and filled with rage, that’s how your feudal system works.
6. For God’s sake stop thinking of anyone who believes (or doesn’t believe in him) in him (God that is) in a different way than you do as less than human. That only makes you feel worse when you see that those “unbelievers” live better than you do.
If you take care of all that, there would be no need for you to feel humiliated anymore.”
Read the whole thing. Please.