This is rich for a society that condones ‘honor killings’. Sure haji man does not shoot the chick who dishonors his 'honor', but she is still dead non the less.
How come 'honor killings' only result in women's deaths?
From LGF
Our Friends the Saudis: Gun Rights = State-Sponsored Terrorism
In the wake of the Virginia Tech killings, the Saudi royal family’s English-speaking mouthpiece, ArabNews, published an editorial equating the right to bear arms with state-sponsored terrorism.
Most Americans simply do not see the falsity of their own position. So sure are they of their own moral rectitude that they utterly discount the standards and concerns of others as either irrelevant or wrong. This is all the easier for them because of the widespread ignorance of the outside world which, in the present administration, extends from the man in the street all the way to the president himself. This lack of international knowledge and awareness is the more remarkable given that America is such a rich mix of races and cultures. Yet once within the capacious US borders, immigrants sign up to a constitution which includes this obsolete right to carry guns whose sole purpose is to kill. Gangland murders and campus massacres by deluded youths armed with lethal firepower are the price Americans pay for this blindness. Though they may be terrified and deeply disturbed, they do not see such crimes as terrorism or indeed as constitutionally state-sponsored terrorism.
Notice how the voice of a religious totalitarian state is nearly indistinguishable from the viewpoints you’ll find on almost any left-wing blog.