Tuesday, January 8, 2008

2008 Pres cliff notes

On the Conservative side from most Conservative to least

1. Thompson or Hunter ( tough call for me)
2. Nobody comes close, next the damaged Republicans.....
3. Rudy, I don't think he will try to cross the NRA, but...
4. Romney, flip flopper, previous anti gun, MACare.....
5. toss up between ick factor on McCain and the Huckster(one is a lib and the other is a lib, can't tell, Huck would be better on guns but McC is better on National defense, both suck on illegal immigration.
Ron Paul finally has some crossover libertarian but his foreign policy/national defense bites.

On the Liberal side from conservative to NON
1. Richardson, only on his 2Amendment stuff
2. Hill/Bill, Obamma, and the Breck girl are all the same, pick a color or gender.
Kuchnnich, etc. whatever.