Ultimately this blog is all about Culture, everything boiled down.
Culture is what separates us as humans. In the USA culture is a determining factor in earnings (see welfare women's culture compared to a computer geek culture, or the culture of high school drop outs compared to say a teacher with a BA in education.)
Unfortunately race and culture are intertwined somehow, the links are not always identifiable.
Since I'm white and between 35 and 45 years old, my entire life I've been blamed for all the worlds problems. Being a free thinking guy I have tried to sort it all out over the years. You know, slavery, colonialism, capitalism, et.
Anyway since in The West the supposed absolute insult is to be called, racist, sexist, homophobic or islamophobic, let's look into all these supposed slurs.
Racist- up till 1950 race and culture were one and the same I think, so the supposed old time racists were discriminating based on culture ultimately. You know those foreign devils.
Ultimately everyone is some what of a culturalist. We all hang out with those of the same culture, race is secondary. You know a white marxist, a black marxist and an Asian marxist will get along swimmingly, but put a white Marxist, a white Conservative and a a white libertarian together and eventually you get a squabble.
Sexist-Yep, men and women are different, they should be equal under the law and allowed to act as individuals. No women should be treated as property as muslim and some other cultures do.
Homophobe- this is a huge mischaracterization, I don't like to be around gay guys or gay girls for that matter. I'm not scared or 'phobic' of them, but don't try to rub it in my face.
Islamophobe- yeh, right. Actually most major media are actually scared or 'phobic' of islam. See the Danish cartoon, koran flushing, tepid response to islamic bulling.
Final thought. European whites are a minority on this planet. Those with 'LIBERAL WHITE GUILT' need to sod off!
Western Culture is by far superior to any other on the planet. For proof just look and the people who vote with their feet and immigrate legally or illegally to The West. Who immigrates to Uganda, Senegal, Saudi from the West in 2007?