Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Haji's at the disco

From GatesofVienna

Yety another reason to kick moslems out of the West. Dissapointing, looks like some of the Westerners are fighting back literly.

All of the progress in the world today is from the West. Electricity, automobiles, cell phones.

The non west just jives us drama


Monday, July 23, 2007

“Youths” and Night Life
by Baron Bodissey
Last night Kepiblanc
reported on the methods nightclubs in Copenhagen use to handle the problem of Muslim “youths” and their tendency to react violently when they can’t have their way with Danish girls.Two commenters on the post then reported on the same problem as it occurs in other parts of Scandinavia.First, Vasarahammer has translated an excerpt from the interview of Sedu Koskinen, owner of several nightclubs in Helsinki. The entire interview is available in Finnish at Viisi Tähteä:
Sedu Koskinen spoke of a politically sensitive subject in the Haaga Studia Restonomia seminar, namely allowing entry of foreigners to a night club.“Today there is a problem with foreigners. One must raise this issue in some forum. I sometimes get tens of complaints that there have been too many foreigners in our place. Regular customers find that disturbing. Foreign men don’t necessarily respect others, especially women. They openly grab, fondle and behave badly. That is the reality.“And when the foreigners start making trouble, it is not that do I hit first or do you. At that point they have already hit, usually with a knife or a beer mug. And normally they come in groups. They make sure that the group is there and then they start hitting.“Finns normally don’t come in groups. When the foreigners visit a club, they don’t come in at once, but one by one. But they still constitute a gang. When a Finnish gang arrives, they all come at the same time and they will be noticed at once and their entry is refused. They cannot do that. Foreigners know how to deal with it. Obviously we are not talking about the French here. Are there any specific nationalities you need to look out for?“Yeah there are. Yugos, Albanians and Asians are a dangerous lot. And the Somalis have arrived as their own group. They have lived here so long that they know the system and speak Finnish. They are not outsiders any more. They are deep in the system. And I am not a racist. I have spent a lot of time abroad and always try to understand as far as possible, but the problems are a reality today. At some point they may get out of hand, as it has already happened in Sweden and Germany, for example.“However, the law requires that you cannot refuse entry based on race or nationality.“I know many clubs in Helsinki that forbid entry to foreigners. Even in the most popular clubs there are clear rules. You just don’t talk about them.”Vasarahammer adds this comment: “Frankly, I’m surprised that he has not been visited by the thought police yet.”Carpenter has his own report: “Well, we have similar bar problems in Sweden too. Here, a ‘discrimination industry’ has occurred.”- - - - - - - - - -Here’s his translation of excerpts from an article in
Realtid.se published on May 29th:
Struggle against restaurant racism — A business idea?The law students have received much — overwhelmingly positive — publicity for their struggle against club-racism. After having sued about a dozen clubs for ethnic discrimination, their requirements for damage compensation amount to almost 1,000,000 kronor [around $140,000]. Now, they’re accused of having found a profitable business idea.[…]So far, they have received just over 100,000 kronor [around $14,000]. But they will possibly receive even more. According to the “law students” themselves their demands amount to one million, against thirteen clubs.[…]It all started three years ago, as a discrimination experiment by the law students. With hidden camera and microphone, they went around in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. Their work resulted in reports against thirteen clubs.


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Strangers in the Night
by Baron Bodissey
When I was in Copenhagen in April, the weather was unusually fine and warm, and downtown Copenhagen came alive in the evenings with a foretaste of summer nightlife. Kepiblanc, our Danish correspondent and frequent commenter here at Gates of Vienna, offered to give me an after-dark tour, so we took a stroll through the narrow streets of the old city.From time to time he pointed out groups of young Muslim men who were heading for the nightclubs. They were dressed fashionably, and appeared to be mainly Turks and South Asians. According to Kepiblanc they frequent the bars and discotheques in search of something hard to find in their own cultural milieu: available young women.Yesterday Kepiblanc sent me an email with more information on this topic:
Baron,As you probably remember from our joint evening walks in downtown Copenhagen, one can always spot a “dance hall” — or discotheque — by the crowd of Middle Eastern types hanging around outside, arguing with a doorman while harassing female bypassers.Of course, the Danish equivalent of CAIR, several Danish factions of the “do-good-industry”, and useful-idiot politicians accuse the doormen of “racism”, bigotry, and discrimination. Accordingly the “cultural enrichers” have started to sue doormen and bar owners — and with success in some cases.Now, what can a bar owner or a doorman do to protect his business, his customers and earn a little money? If he lets the “youths” inside one thing is a given: trouble. His business is founded on selling liquor, wine, and beer. But Muslims don’t buy anything. Instead they “engage” the Danish girls (Muslim girls are not allowed outside their homes) in a rather un-Danish way. The girls mostly refuse to dance with them, but since Muslims can’t fathom that, the girls need protection from Danish boys. Then the fighting starts. Suddenly fists and knives appear, and the evening is ruined. As is the discotheque.So, for the bar owner and the doorman it’s a lose-lose situation.Below is Kepiblanc’s translation of a story from yesterday evening on
Danish TV2:
Discotheque: Muslims make trouble [Photo text: “Sorry fellas, I can’t let you in.”]The overwhelming majority of problems in the discotheques can be related to young, Muslim immigrants. So says one of the owners of Australian Bar in Copenhagen, Tommy Petersen, who has appeared several times in media stories for rejecting immigrants. Tommy Petersen underscores that it has nothing to do with racism and discrimination:“They are mostly unable to behave themselves because they don’t know, or will not respect, the norms and mores of the local nightlife,” he says.In June the discotheque rejected a young Danish-Turk due to his haircut, a so-called “army cut”, with reference to the dress code of the place. Likewise the discotheque in February rejected three foreigners. The doorman in question later had to pay a fine of DKR 1,000 [$180].Kepiblanc adds this editorial afterword:- - - - - - - - - -
But where there’s a will, there’s a way. Several ways, actually.Some discotheques made an agreement with the cops: They maintain a photo gallery of the “usual suspects” which makes it legal to reject matching faces. Others have established themselves as members-only, but the Muslims somehow figured that one out, so now they’re whining and seething about “racism” once more.Fortunately, man’s best friend came into the play: by claiming an anti-drug policy some discotheques now place a “sniffer-dog” at the door. Poodles, bulldogs — whatever. It doesn’t matter: Muslims are afraid of being touched by dogs, so they leave the place without further ado.While the Danes just pat the tail-wagging doggie on the head and walk right in.I guess it’ll be a while until the Muslims’ lawyers figure out how to handle that one in court, but if they do, I have a suggestion:Refurbish all the discotheques. Use swine-leather upholstery on all furniture, bars and doorknobs.Keep the room clean.