Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Culture, Iraqi's, moslems....

Here is why culture maters.
Arab/Islamic pride does not allow for external correction apparently.

Hence the USA whupped the Iraqis 2x in 2 different wars.

Read the entire estripes article

Tip from NRO

And in
Marine-run course preps Iraqis for the real fight:

Walker and his instructors admit they aren’t growing future Marines. They are teaching young men how to safely carry a weapon and shoot. The new Iraqi solider “has to be a little bit better than he was when we found him,” [Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer 5 Terry Walker] said.
The Iraqis are not required to do any physical training, nor can the Marine instructors use physical exercise as a form of punishment. For the most part, they can’t dole out any punishment at all, Walker said. Punishment brings embarrassment to the recruit, and he will shut down, the gunner said.