Double tap.
hmmm, seems islam is in somehow linked. Throw in some unarmed Euros and some punk North Africans can now rape anyone
Monday, June 23, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
white on brown
see the origional post
eventually you will see some ethnioc clensing. The police will turn their back to natives vs. immigrant crime.
The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.This post was compiled from comments made on one of last night’s posts.
The scale of violent crime white people are being subject to in countries such as Sweden resembles warfare. Not only does the state not protect people against this racist violence, it actively sides with the attackers. Which means that the social contract is now dead and buried in most Western countries. The state is either expensive and irrelevant or it is an outright enemy.The numbers in Sweden, and no doubt elsewhere, are worse than we are told. They are being heavily manipulated by the authorities and the media, who claim that the massive increase in rapes is caused by:
The warm weather/global warming,
Internet dating sites, and
A technical increase due to the fact that women suddenly report rape more frequently than before.These are the explanations that are mentioned. There is no other.Suggesting that it has something to do with mass immigration of alien cultures is quite literally banned by law. A Swedish man was arrested, brought in front of the local court and sentenced for “hate speech” for carrying a sign during a demonstration suggesting that rape was linked to immigration.Meanwhile, Norwegians are being told that we need to hire thousands of more cops to contain the massive increase in crime brought on by mass immigration (which is still supposed to be “good for the economy), a mass immigration that will not only continue but increase. Nobody among the Leftist media elites says it should stop, they say it should continue indefinitely, and there are more and more hysterical witch-hunts against “racism” by the white indigenous people. It’s state-sponsored ethnic cleansing of the native population, cheered by our own media and intellectuals, in short: The greatest betrayal in history.This is part of a massive and prolonged campaign of psychological warfare against whites in general that has been going on for several generations now, to strip whites of any sense of pride or self-respect. The current Swedish “conservative” prime minister has stated in public that his county’s traditional culture was merely barbarism, and that anything good was imported from abroad. While Swedish girls get gang raped by Muslim immigrants who are met with “respect for their diverse culture,” Swedish boys are being systematically indoctrinated with radical Feminism, in the most extreme cases being forced to wear female clothes and take female names by kindergarten teachers.On the International Women’s Day, March 8 2008, the columnist Marte Michelet in the left-wing pro-Multicultural Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet attacked “brown” feminists. And no, by that she did not mean feminists with a dark skin, but those championing “Fascist,” racist and Islamophobic forces. She is the daughter of the Communist writer Jon Michelet and was until 1998 the leader of the Red Youth, the country’s “revolutionary youth league.”Many Marxist feminists, who have for generations worked to break down Christianity and the nuclear family in the West, now passionately embrace Islam, the most repressive religion on earth. Marxists do not care about “women’s liberty.” They do not care about anybody’s liberty. They support anything that can destabilize the West. The fact that a newspaper that has been at the forefront of radical Feminism for generations now suddenly warns against “Islamophobia” and “prejudice” against the world’s most anti-female religion is highly revealing.Attacks on Western history in order to instill shame into Western youths, a shame that militates against their thinking that their civilization is worth defending, are very common, especially targeting female students. Here is a quote from the book Religion of Peace?: Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t by Robert Spencer:- - - - - - - - -
A white American student, ‘Rachel,’ unwittingly summed up this attitude when she told American Indian professor Dr. David Yeagley in 2001: ‘Look, Dr. Yeagley, I don’t see anything about my culture to be proud of. It’s all nothing. My race is just nothing…. Look at your culture. Look at American Indian tradition. Now I think that’s really great. You have something to be proud of. My culture is nothing.’ Yeagley mused: ‘The Cheyenne people have a saying: A nation is never conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground….When Rachel denounced her people, she did it with the serene self-confidence of a High Priestess reciting a liturgy. She said it without fear of criticism or censure. And she received none. The other students listened in silence, their eyes moving timidly back and forth between me and Rachel, as if unsure which of us constituted a higher authority….Who had conquered Rachel’s people? What had led her to disrespect them? Why did she behave like a woman of a defeated tribe?’I have engaged in endless debates with people who see no relationship between traditional economic Marxism, as promoted by Karl Marx himself, and today’s “cultural Marxism.” But they miss the point. The most important mutation that happened with the various strains of Marxism during the twentieth century was that they understood that the traditional doctrine that a Socialist society was “inevitable” was incorrect. Their revolutions didn’t happen, in the West at least. But this didn’t mean that they gave up their end goals, which have largely remained the same.They just changed the strategy needed in order to achieve these main goals, and focused on breaking down Western culture in every way, until there was no resistance left to implement their totalitarian society. That’s what has been going on for decades now, where traditional attitudes to marriage etc. have gradually become banned by law. Turning Western women, especially white women, into weapons of mass destruction against their own civilization has been a key component of this strategy, and unfortunately a rather successful one.Also, I don’t buy this “blaming Western men” stuff. I’m tired of it. If we are guilty of anything, it is of being too kind too Western women, and letting them get away with their nonsense too often.If women want to be taken seriously, they should take responsibility for their own actions. Women cannot attack men for decades and blame them for being male chauvinist pigs, generally evil, stupid and weak and then expect men to come rushing to their defense to clean up the problems women themselves voted to create.There are still a few sensible self-designated feminists left in the West, but they clearly constitute a minority. I’ve been told by radical feminists that rape is a weapon used by men — that is, men in general — to keep women down. This is also the line Swedish feminists usually take regarding rapes: It’s about the “patriarchy,” not about mass immigration. Swedish men are just as bad as the Taliban, as one prominent feminist famously said.As one of Marilyn French’s characters said, “All men are rapists, and that’s all they are.” In Norway in 2008, we had a case where a native teenage girl had been gang raped by Muslim immigrants, and the four female judges voted in favor of giving the rapists a “discount” on the minor compensations they were sentenced to pay to the victim. The one dissenting judge was the one male. As the female blogger Nina commented, this and other cases indicate that we need fewer female judges, not more.Women are simply too soft and emotional to be performing these kinds of tasks. The effect of radical Feminism is to treat all men as criminals, except those who really are criminals, who should receive soft treatment. All men are rapists, except those who actually are. They are victims of “society.” Despite the fact that Muslim immigration has triggered an unprecedented wave of anti-female violence, women still vote disproportionately for pro-immigration parties, and yell “racism” at men who suggest it’s not a good idea.Women cannot be cruel to decent men and kind to evil men and expect that this has no consequences in the long run. Why should Western men worry about women who show us nothing but hostility? Maybe we’ll just be patriarchal simpletons, drink beer, fart and watch football on TV?What we are dealing with in the Western world is demographic warfare closely aligned with psychological warfare, aimed at breaking down our self-confidence and self-awareness to the point where our technological superiority is rendered useless because we are ashamed of ourselves or incapable of articulating what we should fight for. Sun Tzu in The Art of War said that wars are won in the temples before they are fought. The mass media are the temples of our time, which means that we are currently losing badly.Robert D. Kaplan says that he “re-read both The Art of War by the 6th-century BCE Chinese court minister Sun-Tzu and On War by the early 19th-century Prussian General Carl von Clausewitz. What struck me straight away, thanks to my recent travels-in-arms, was not what either author said, but what both assumed. Both Sun-Tzu and Clausewitz believe — in their states, their sovereigns, their homelands. Because they believe, they are willing to fight. This is so clear that they never need to state it, and they never do… Both oppose militarism, but accept the reality of war, and from that acceptance reason that any policy lacking martial vigor — any policy that fails to communicate a warrior spirit — only makes war more likely.”According to Clausewitz, “In affairs so dangerous as war, false ideas proceeding from kindness of heart are precisely the worst…The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later someone will come along with a sharp sword and hack off our arms.”As a final note on this whole sorry state of affairs — the Swedish parliament passed a law yesterday which orders comprehensive electronic surveillance of all citizens:
Swedish lawmakers voted late on Wednesday in favour of a controversial bill allowing all emails and phone calls to be monitored in the name of national security.This law will make Sweden more totalitarian than even the former Communist dictatorship of East Germany.
eventually you will see some ethnioc clensing. The police will turn their back to natives vs. immigrant crime.
The noted blogger Fjordman is filing this report via Gates of Vienna.For a complete Fjordman blogography, see The Fjordman Files. There is also a multi-index listing here.This post was compiled from comments made on one of last night’s posts.
The scale of violent crime white people are being subject to in countries such as Sweden resembles warfare. Not only does the state not protect people against this racist violence, it actively sides with the attackers. Which means that the social contract is now dead and buried in most Western countries. The state is either expensive and irrelevant or it is an outright enemy.The numbers in Sweden, and no doubt elsewhere, are worse than we are told. They are being heavily manipulated by the authorities and the media, who claim that the massive increase in rapes is caused by:
The warm weather/global warming,
Internet dating sites, and
A technical increase due to the fact that women suddenly report rape more frequently than before.These are the explanations that are mentioned. There is no other.Suggesting that it has something to do with mass immigration of alien cultures is quite literally banned by law. A Swedish man was arrested, brought in front of the local court and sentenced for “hate speech” for carrying a sign during a demonstration suggesting that rape was linked to immigration.Meanwhile, Norwegians are being told that we need to hire thousands of more cops to contain the massive increase in crime brought on by mass immigration (which is still supposed to be “good for the economy), a mass immigration that will not only continue but increase. Nobody among the Leftist media elites says it should stop, they say it should continue indefinitely, and there are more and more hysterical witch-hunts against “racism” by the white indigenous people. It’s state-sponsored ethnic cleansing of the native population, cheered by our own media and intellectuals, in short: The greatest betrayal in history.This is part of a massive and prolonged campaign of psychological warfare against whites in general that has been going on for several generations now, to strip whites of any sense of pride or self-respect. The current Swedish “conservative” prime minister has stated in public that his county’s traditional culture was merely barbarism, and that anything good was imported from abroad. While Swedish girls get gang raped by Muslim immigrants who are met with “respect for their diverse culture,” Swedish boys are being systematically indoctrinated with radical Feminism, in the most extreme cases being forced to wear female clothes and take female names by kindergarten teachers.On the International Women’s Day, March 8 2008, the columnist Marte Michelet in the left-wing pro-Multicultural Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet attacked “brown” feminists. And no, by that she did not mean feminists with a dark skin, but those championing “Fascist,” racist and Islamophobic forces. She is the daughter of the Communist writer Jon Michelet and was until 1998 the leader of the Red Youth, the country’s “revolutionary youth league.”Many Marxist feminists, who have for generations worked to break down Christianity and the nuclear family in the West, now passionately embrace Islam, the most repressive religion on earth. Marxists do not care about “women’s liberty.” They do not care about anybody’s liberty. They support anything that can destabilize the West. The fact that a newspaper that has been at the forefront of radical Feminism for generations now suddenly warns against “Islamophobia” and “prejudice” against the world’s most anti-female religion is highly revealing.Attacks on Western history in order to instill shame into Western youths, a shame that militates against their thinking that their civilization is worth defending, are very common, especially targeting female students. Here is a quote from the book Religion of Peace?: Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t by Robert Spencer:- - - - - - - - -
A white American student, ‘Rachel,’ unwittingly summed up this attitude when she told American Indian professor Dr. David Yeagley in 2001: ‘Look, Dr. Yeagley, I don’t see anything about my culture to be proud of. It’s all nothing. My race is just nothing…. Look at your culture. Look at American Indian tradition. Now I think that’s really great. You have something to be proud of. My culture is nothing.’ Yeagley mused: ‘The Cheyenne people have a saying: A nation is never conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground….When Rachel denounced her people, she did it with the serene self-confidence of a High Priestess reciting a liturgy. She said it without fear of criticism or censure. And she received none. The other students listened in silence, their eyes moving timidly back and forth between me and Rachel, as if unsure which of us constituted a higher authority….Who had conquered Rachel’s people? What had led her to disrespect them? Why did she behave like a woman of a defeated tribe?’I have engaged in endless debates with people who see no relationship between traditional economic Marxism, as promoted by Karl Marx himself, and today’s “cultural Marxism.” But they miss the point. The most important mutation that happened with the various strains of Marxism during the twentieth century was that they understood that the traditional doctrine that a Socialist society was “inevitable” was incorrect. Their revolutions didn’t happen, in the West at least. But this didn’t mean that they gave up their end goals, which have largely remained the same.They just changed the strategy needed in order to achieve these main goals, and focused on breaking down Western culture in every way, until there was no resistance left to implement their totalitarian society. That’s what has been going on for decades now, where traditional attitudes to marriage etc. have gradually become banned by law. Turning Western women, especially white women, into weapons of mass destruction against their own civilization has been a key component of this strategy, and unfortunately a rather successful one.Also, I don’t buy this “blaming Western men” stuff. I’m tired of it. If we are guilty of anything, it is of being too kind too Western women, and letting them get away with their nonsense too often.If women want to be taken seriously, they should take responsibility for their own actions. Women cannot attack men for decades and blame them for being male chauvinist pigs, generally evil, stupid and weak and then expect men to come rushing to their defense to clean up the problems women themselves voted to create.There are still a few sensible self-designated feminists left in the West, but they clearly constitute a minority. I’ve been told by radical feminists that rape is a weapon used by men — that is, men in general — to keep women down. This is also the line Swedish feminists usually take regarding rapes: It’s about the “patriarchy,” not about mass immigration. Swedish men are just as bad as the Taliban, as one prominent feminist famously said.As one of Marilyn French’s characters said, “All men are rapists, and that’s all they are.” In Norway in 2008, we had a case where a native teenage girl had been gang raped by Muslim immigrants, and the four female judges voted in favor of giving the rapists a “discount” on the minor compensations they were sentenced to pay to the victim. The one dissenting judge was the one male. As the female blogger Nina commented, this and other cases indicate that we need fewer female judges, not more.Women are simply too soft and emotional to be performing these kinds of tasks. The effect of radical Feminism is to treat all men as criminals, except those who really are criminals, who should receive soft treatment. All men are rapists, except those who actually are. They are victims of “society.” Despite the fact that Muslim immigration has triggered an unprecedented wave of anti-female violence, women still vote disproportionately for pro-immigration parties, and yell “racism” at men who suggest it’s not a good idea.Women cannot be cruel to decent men and kind to evil men and expect that this has no consequences in the long run. Why should Western men worry about women who show us nothing but hostility? Maybe we’ll just be patriarchal simpletons, drink beer, fart and watch football on TV?What we are dealing with in the Western world is demographic warfare closely aligned with psychological warfare, aimed at breaking down our self-confidence and self-awareness to the point where our technological superiority is rendered useless because we are ashamed of ourselves or incapable of articulating what we should fight for. Sun Tzu in The Art of War said that wars are won in the temples before they are fought. The mass media are the temples of our time, which means that we are currently losing badly.Robert D. Kaplan says that he “re-read both The Art of War by the 6th-century BCE Chinese court minister Sun-Tzu and On War by the early 19th-century Prussian General Carl von Clausewitz. What struck me straight away, thanks to my recent travels-in-arms, was not what either author said, but what both assumed. Both Sun-Tzu and Clausewitz believe — in their states, their sovereigns, their homelands. Because they believe, they are willing to fight. This is so clear that they never need to state it, and they never do… Both oppose militarism, but accept the reality of war, and from that acceptance reason that any policy lacking martial vigor — any policy that fails to communicate a warrior spirit — only makes war more likely.”According to Clausewitz, “In affairs so dangerous as war, false ideas proceeding from kindness of heart are precisely the worst…The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later someone will come along with a sharp sword and hack off our arms.”As a final note on this whole sorry state of affairs — the Swedish parliament passed a law yesterday which orders comprehensive electronic surveillance of all citizens:
Swedish lawmakers voted late on Wednesday in favour of a controversial bill allowing all emails and phone calls to be monitored in the name of national security.This law will make Sweden more totalitarian than even the former Communist dictatorship of East Germany.
super sucks to be unarmed
The Poster Boy For Gang Rape
by Baron Bodissey
If you live anywhere near Sydney, Australia, the name “Bilal Skaf” is synonymous with “Racist Lebanese Gang Rapist”. Of course, since Mr. Skaf isn’t white, he can’t actually be a racist, but those poor benighted pale-skinned Australians don’t know that.
Mr. Skaf was the ringleader of a gang of Lebanese-Australians who preyed on white teenage girls, and this makes some Australians think that he is a racist who committed hate crimes against white Australians. But organs of the knee-jerk liberal press view the anger directed at Mr. Skaf as the reaction of right-wing extremists who have seized the opportunity to take advantage of uninformed public opinion and generate a backlash against the Lebanese minority, most of whom are innocent and law-abiding, and don’t deserve the enmity generated by the case.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Some background on Bilal Skaf is in order. In a series of trials he was convicted and sentenced for masterminding and participating in several gang-rapes back in 2000. His sentence was reduced on appeal, and then increased again when the convictions for later offenses kicked in.
And now, as if to break new ground in the definition of the word “chutzpah”, Bilal Skaf is protesting that his notoriety as a convicted gang-rapist precludes his ever getting a fair hearing in an Australian court of law:
Convicted rapist Bilal Skaf claims his name is so synonymous with a Sydney gang sex crime he will never be able to get a fair trial.
And the 26-year-old is asking the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal to reduce his sentence, saying his victim — who was held at gunpoint and raped by up to 14 men — suffered no significant harm.
Skaf brought his case before the criminal appeals court for the third time today, asking for his latest conviction to again be quashed or his sentence cut.
He shot to notoriety after receiving a record 55-year sentence following three back-to-back gang rape trials.
In searching for photos of Mr. Skaf to use for this post, I noticed that very few are available. All the news articles I could find used the photo shown at left in the pair below.
As you can see, that particular photo makes Bilal Skaf look like a choirboy — if in fact the Muslim Lebanese-Australian community had any choirboys.- - - - - - - - -
But look at the other photo, the one on the right — which can only be found on various hateful right-wing extremist blogs and other organs of Australian patriotism — in which Mr. Skaf posed holding a handgun with a rifle in his lap. Not quite the same fellow, is he? But the MSM obviously wants its readers to think of him in only one way.Is Mr. Skaf really a (mostly) innocent victim?
Skaf’s barrister Andrew Haesler SC said “unremitting” publicity had etched Skaf into the public imagination, making it impossible to find an impartial jury.
“If an advertiser were trying to achieve a brand name for a gang rapist, Bilal Skaf has achieved this aim. The product for gang rapist in western Sydney is Bilal Skaf,” Mr Haesler said.“(Skaf’s name) has become synonymous with rapes committed by people of the Muslim faith in western Sydney and… with gang attacks on young women.
”Is that an unreasonable situation for Bilal Skaf to find himself in? His crimes have been established by the time-honored English Common Law system of a trial by a jury of his peers, and the testimony of witnesses has been entered into the public record supporting the verdicts against him. Why shouldn’t he be the poster boy for racist Lebanese gang rape in Australia?
What other fate would be more suitable?
The poster boy helped earn his reputation by telling one of his victims, “You deserve it because you’re an Australian”.
That is: “Because you’re white, grew up speaking English, and accept the Anglo-Saxon norms of Australia, I am justified in treating you in the most bestial fashion.”
Bilal Skaf didn’t pluck this attitude out of the air. He was able to think this way, to plan his crimes and carry them out, because at least a significant subset of the Lebanese community in Australia shares it with him.
Yet many people, particularly those in positions of civil authority in the Anglosphere, prefer to deny this fact, minimize it, or ignore it.
But not everybody is turning away from the uncomfortable truth. At Mr. Skaf’s sentencing, the judge had this to say:
The offender was the leader of a brutal gang of rapists who, on three occasions, raped four young women. His activity and those of his gang spread terror in Sydney in August 2000 just before the commencement of the Olympic Games.
The activities of the gang were organised by the use of mobile phones, and there was a considerable degree of planning and coordination involved in each set of attacks. As is common with rapists, the gang members treated each of their victims with callous indifference and considerable cruelty.
The courts must attempt to protect society from the possibility that those who have been caught will engage in this type of activity again.[…]
What this trial showed was that [Bilal Skaf] was the leader of the pack, a liar, a bully, a coward, callous and mean.He is, in truth, a menace to any civilised society.
These crimes are very serious crimes. Sexual intercourse without consent is always a serious crime.[…]
As I have earlier remarked these crimes were carefully planned and coordinated. The degree of planning and coordination distinguishes these crimes from other cases of gang rape which have been reported from time to time, which are often, if not usually, perpetrated by intoxicated men who have seized an opportunity which has been presented to them.
None of these crimes happened on the spur of the moment. None of the assailants was in any way affected by alcohol or drugs. In my opinion, the evidence of the three trials establishes beyond reasonable doubt that the offender was the leader of the gang on all occasions and must be regarded as the worst of all offenders. He is a menace to society. He has declined to give any explanation of the reasons for these attacks and refuses to express any remorse or contrition.
The alarming trend is not the heinous rapes themselves — although they are alarming enough — but the desire of the Western elites to pretend that they are something else, that they are ordinary crimes committed by high-spirited, rowdy, or misguided “youths”.
The Sydney gang-rapes — like those in Sweden, Britain, Belgium, France, and elsewhere — are a civilizational attack. We, the people of the West, are perceived as a culture on the way out, a spent scene.The rapist asserts the dominance of himself and those who are most like him. Any passive acquiescence to the crime makes it all the more likely that it will recur.
Bilal Skaf deserves to be the poster boy for gang rapes in Australia. Let’s continue to keep him in mind.
The Poster Boy For Gang Rape
by Baron Bodissey
If you live anywhere near Sydney, Australia, the name “Bilal Skaf” is synonymous with “Racist Lebanese Gang Rapist”. Of course, since Mr. Skaf isn’t white, he can’t actually be a racist, but those poor benighted pale-skinned Australians don’t know that.
Mr. Skaf was the ringleader of a gang of Lebanese-Australians who preyed on white teenage girls, and this makes some Australians think that he is a racist who committed hate crimes against white Australians. But organs of the knee-jerk liberal press view the anger directed at Mr. Skaf as the reaction of right-wing extremists who have seized the opportunity to take advantage of uninformed public opinion and generate a backlash against the Lebanese minority, most of whom are innocent and law-abiding, and don’t deserve the enmity generated by the case.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Some background on Bilal Skaf is in order. In a series of trials he was convicted and sentenced for masterminding and participating in several gang-rapes back in 2000. His sentence was reduced on appeal, and then increased again when the convictions for later offenses kicked in.
And now, as if to break new ground in the definition of the word “chutzpah”, Bilal Skaf is protesting that his notoriety as a convicted gang-rapist precludes his ever getting a fair hearing in an Australian court of law:
Convicted rapist Bilal Skaf claims his name is so synonymous with a Sydney gang sex crime he will never be able to get a fair trial.
And the 26-year-old is asking the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal to reduce his sentence, saying his victim — who was held at gunpoint and raped by up to 14 men — suffered no significant harm.
Skaf brought his case before the criminal appeals court for the third time today, asking for his latest conviction to again be quashed or his sentence cut.
He shot to notoriety after receiving a record 55-year sentence following three back-to-back gang rape trials.
In searching for photos of Mr. Skaf to use for this post, I noticed that very few are available. All the news articles I could find used the photo shown at left in the pair below.
As you can see, that particular photo makes Bilal Skaf look like a choirboy — if in fact the Muslim Lebanese-Australian community had any choirboys.- - - - - - - - -
But look at the other photo, the one on the right — which can only be found on various hateful right-wing extremist blogs and other organs of Australian patriotism — in which Mr. Skaf posed holding a handgun with a rifle in his lap. Not quite the same fellow, is he? But the MSM obviously wants its readers to think of him in only one way.Is Mr. Skaf really a (mostly) innocent victim?
Skaf’s barrister Andrew Haesler SC said “unremitting” publicity had etched Skaf into the public imagination, making it impossible to find an impartial jury.
“If an advertiser were trying to achieve a brand name for a gang rapist, Bilal Skaf has achieved this aim. The product for gang rapist in western Sydney is Bilal Skaf,” Mr Haesler said.“(Skaf’s name) has become synonymous with rapes committed by people of the Muslim faith in western Sydney and… with gang attacks on young women.
”Is that an unreasonable situation for Bilal Skaf to find himself in? His crimes have been established by the time-honored English Common Law system of a trial by a jury of his peers, and the testimony of witnesses has been entered into the public record supporting the verdicts against him. Why shouldn’t he be the poster boy for racist Lebanese gang rape in Australia?
What other fate would be more suitable?
The poster boy helped earn his reputation by telling one of his victims, “You deserve it because you’re an Australian”.
That is: “Because you’re white, grew up speaking English, and accept the Anglo-Saxon norms of Australia, I am justified in treating you in the most bestial fashion.”
Bilal Skaf didn’t pluck this attitude out of the air. He was able to think this way, to plan his crimes and carry them out, because at least a significant subset of the Lebanese community in Australia shares it with him.
Yet many people, particularly those in positions of civil authority in the Anglosphere, prefer to deny this fact, minimize it, or ignore it.
But not everybody is turning away from the uncomfortable truth. At Mr. Skaf’s sentencing, the judge had this to say:
The offender was the leader of a brutal gang of rapists who, on three occasions, raped four young women. His activity and those of his gang spread terror in Sydney in August 2000 just before the commencement of the Olympic Games.
The activities of the gang were organised by the use of mobile phones, and there was a considerable degree of planning and coordination involved in each set of attacks. As is common with rapists, the gang members treated each of their victims with callous indifference and considerable cruelty.
The courts must attempt to protect society from the possibility that those who have been caught will engage in this type of activity again.[…]
What this trial showed was that [Bilal Skaf] was the leader of the pack, a liar, a bully, a coward, callous and mean.He is, in truth, a menace to any civilised society.
These crimes are very serious crimes. Sexual intercourse without consent is always a serious crime.[…]
As I have earlier remarked these crimes were carefully planned and coordinated. The degree of planning and coordination distinguishes these crimes from other cases of gang rape which have been reported from time to time, which are often, if not usually, perpetrated by intoxicated men who have seized an opportunity which has been presented to them.
None of these crimes happened on the spur of the moment. None of the assailants was in any way affected by alcohol or drugs. In my opinion, the evidence of the three trials establishes beyond reasonable doubt that the offender was the leader of the gang on all occasions and must be regarded as the worst of all offenders. He is a menace to society. He has declined to give any explanation of the reasons for these attacks and refuses to express any remorse or contrition.
The alarming trend is not the heinous rapes themselves — although they are alarming enough — but the desire of the Western elites to pretend that they are something else, that they are ordinary crimes committed by high-spirited, rowdy, or misguided “youths”.
The Sydney gang-rapes — like those in Sweden, Britain, Belgium, France, and elsewhere — are a civilizational attack. We, the people of the West, are perceived as a culture on the way out, a spent scene.The rapist asserts the dominance of himself and those who are most like him. Any passive acquiescence to the crime makes it all the more likely that it will recur.
Bilal Skaf deserves to be the poster boy for gang rapes in Australia. Let’s continue to keep him in mind.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Ultra sucks not to be armed
The Wichita Massacre, also known as The Wichita Horror[1], was a murder/assault/rape/robbery spree perpetrated by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr in the city of Wichita, Kansas in the winter of 2000. The crimes shocked Wichitans, and purchases of guns, locks, and home security systems subsequently skyrocketed in the city.[2]
1 Crime spree
2 Controversy
3 References
4 See also
5 External links
[edit] Crime spree
The Carr brothers, 22-year-old Reginald and 20-year-old Jonathan, already had serious criminal records when they began their spree. On December 8, 2000, having recently arrived in Wichita, they committed armed robbery against 23-year-old assistant baseball coach Andrew Schreiber. Three days later, they shot and mortally wounded 55-year-old cellist and librarian Ann Walenta as she tried to escape from them in her car.
Their crime spree culminated on December 14, when they invaded a home and subjected five young men and women to robbery, sexual abuse, and murder. The brothers broke into a house chosen nearly at random where Brad Heyka, Heather Muller, Aaron Sander, Jason Befort and a young woman identified as H.G. , all in their twenties, were spending the night. Initially scouring the house for valuables, they forced their hostages to strip naked, bound and detained them, and subjected them to various forms of sexual humiliation, including rape and sodomy. They also forced the men to engage in sexual acts with the women, and the women with each other. They then drove the victims to ATMs to empty their bank accounts, before finally bringing them to a snowy deserted soccer complex on the outskirts of town and shooting them execution-style in the backs of their heads, leaving them for dead. The Carr brothers then drove Befort's truck over the bodies. Muller was a pre-school teacher at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School. Every year the school awards a deserving 8th grade student the Heather Muller Love of Mary Award.
They returned to the house to ransack it for more valuables. It was then they claimed their final victim, Nikki, H.G.'s muzzled dog who was beaten and stabbed to death.
H.G. survived (thanks to her plastic hairpin having deflected the bullet), after running naked for more than a mile in freezing weather to report the attack and seek medical attention. In a much-remarked point of tragedy, she had seen her boyfriend Befort shot, after having learned of his intention to propose marriage when the Carrs, by chance, discovered the engagement ring hidden in a can of popcorn.
The Carr brothers, who took few precautions, were captured by the police the next day, and Reginald was identified by Schreiber and the dying Walenta. Law enforcement officials ultimately decided that the Carrs' motive was robbery, despite the other aspects of the crime.
[edit] Controversy
The case gained notoriety among conservatives and others concerned about urban crime because the perpetrators were black and all seven victims were white.[3] Since there was no evidence of racial motivation, Sedgwick County District Attorney Nola Foulston decided not to treat the incident as a hate crime. David Horowitz, Michelle Malkin, and Thomas Sowell stated that the crime did not garner much airtime or space in the national mainstream media due to political correctness.[4][5]
People have highlighted the races of the perpetrators (black) and those of the victims (white) to draw attention to black-on-white crime. These people believe that had the races of the perpetrators and the victims been reversed, the reactions of the mass media would have been very different, and the hate crime angle would have been assumed outright. Local politicians began playing the case for political gain.[2]
[edit] References
^ Prosecutors Downplay Racial Element in Kansas Murder Trial by Jim Burns, Senior Staff Writer, October 10, 2002
^ a b The Wichita Horror, the brutal murders by Jonathan and Reginald Carr: The Heartbreak of a City by Denise Noe, Court TV's Crime Library
^ The Wichita Massacre by Stephen Webster, American Renaissance, July 16, 2002
^ Black Racism: The Hate Crime That Dare Not Speak Its Name By David Horowitz, FrontPage Magazine, July 16, 2002
^ Winona and the Wichita massacreBy Michelle Malkin,, Friday, November 8, 2002
[edit] See also
Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom murder
Media blackout
[edit] External links
Extensive account of the crimes by Court TV's Crime Library
'Wichita Massacre' Brothers Sentenced to Death
Kansas v. Marsh decision by United States Supreme Court
KAKE-TV news story on Wichita Horror survivors engagement to be married
"Was this Kansas killing spree a brotherly affair?," CNN and CourtTV
The Wichita Massacre, also known as The Wichita Horror[1], was a murder/assault/rape/robbery spree perpetrated by brothers Reginald and Jonathan Carr in the city of Wichita, Kansas in the winter of 2000. The crimes shocked Wichitans, and purchases of guns, locks, and home security systems subsequently skyrocketed in the city.[2]
1 Crime spree
2 Controversy
3 References
4 See also
5 External links
[edit] Crime spree
The Carr brothers, 22-year-old Reginald and 20-year-old Jonathan, already had serious criminal records when they began their spree. On December 8, 2000, having recently arrived in Wichita, they committed armed robbery against 23-year-old assistant baseball coach Andrew Schreiber. Three days later, they shot and mortally wounded 55-year-old cellist and librarian Ann Walenta as she tried to escape from them in her car.
Their crime spree culminated on December 14, when they invaded a home and subjected five young men and women to robbery, sexual abuse, and murder. The brothers broke into a house chosen nearly at random where Brad Heyka, Heather Muller, Aaron Sander, Jason Befort and a young woman identified as H.G. , all in their twenties, were spending the night. Initially scouring the house for valuables, they forced their hostages to strip naked, bound and detained them, and subjected them to various forms of sexual humiliation, including rape and sodomy. They also forced the men to engage in sexual acts with the women, and the women with each other. They then drove the victims to ATMs to empty their bank accounts, before finally bringing them to a snowy deserted soccer complex on the outskirts of town and shooting them execution-style in the backs of their heads, leaving them for dead. The Carr brothers then drove Befort's truck over the bodies. Muller was a pre-school teacher at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School. Every year the school awards a deserving 8th grade student the Heather Muller Love of Mary Award.
They returned to the house to ransack it for more valuables. It was then they claimed their final victim, Nikki, H.G.'s muzzled dog who was beaten and stabbed to death.
H.G. survived (thanks to her plastic hairpin having deflected the bullet), after running naked for more than a mile in freezing weather to report the attack and seek medical attention. In a much-remarked point of tragedy, she had seen her boyfriend Befort shot, after having learned of his intention to propose marriage when the Carrs, by chance, discovered the engagement ring hidden in a can of popcorn.
The Carr brothers, who took few precautions, were captured by the police the next day, and Reginald was identified by Schreiber and the dying Walenta. Law enforcement officials ultimately decided that the Carrs' motive was robbery, despite the other aspects of the crime.
[edit] Controversy
The case gained notoriety among conservatives and others concerned about urban crime because the perpetrators were black and all seven victims were white.[3] Since there was no evidence of racial motivation, Sedgwick County District Attorney Nola Foulston decided not to treat the incident as a hate crime. David Horowitz, Michelle Malkin, and Thomas Sowell stated that the crime did not garner much airtime or space in the national mainstream media due to political correctness.[4][5]
People have highlighted the races of the perpetrators (black) and those of the victims (white) to draw attention to black-on-white crime. These people believe that had the races of the perpetrators and the victims been reversed, the reactions of the mass media would have been very different, and the hate crime angle would have been assumed outright. Local politicians began playing the case for political gain.[2]
[edit] References
^ Prosecutors Downplay Racial Element in Kansas Murder Trial by Jim Burns, Senior Staff Writer, October 10, 2002
^ a b The Wichita Horror, the brutal murders by Jonathan and Reginald Carr: The Heartbreak of a City by Denise Noe, Court TV's Crime Library
^ The Wichita Massacre by Stephen Webster, American Renaissance, July 16, 2002
^ Black Racism: The Hate Crime That Dare Not Speak Its Name By David Horowitz, FrontPage Magazine, July 16, 2002
^ Winona and the Wichita massacreBy Michelle Malkin,, Friday, November 8, 2002
[edit] See also
Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom murder
Media blackout
[edit] External links
Extensive account of the crimes by Court TV's Crime Library
'Wichita Massacre' Brothers Sentenced to Death
Kansas v. Marsh decision by United States Supreme Court
KAKE-TV news story on Wichita Horror survivors engagement to be married
"Was this Kansas killing spree a brotherly affair?," CNN and CourtTV
really really sucks to be unarmed
Hugh Christopher Newsom, Jr., 23, and Channon Gail Christian, 21, were a couple from Knoxville, Tennessee. According to a Tennessee grand jury, they were murdered and both were raped after being kidnapped early on the morning of January 7, 2007. Their vehicle had been carjacked.[1][2] Five suspects have been arrested and charged in the case.[3] The grand jury indicted four of the suspects on counts of murder, robbery, kidnapping, rape and theft, while one final suspect has already been convicted of federal charges as accessory after the fact to carjacking.[2]
1 Crime
1.1 Reaction
2 Victims
3 Suspects and indictments
4 Trials
5 Verdicts
6 References
7 External links
[edit] Crime
According to news reports, Christian and Newsom had gone on a date at a local restaurant on Saturday, January 6, 2007, but did not return home. During their night out, the couple was "hijacked, bound and blindfolded and taken back to Lemaricus Devall 'Slim' Davidson's rented house on Chipman Street."[4]
Christian's parents found her abandoned Toyota 4-Runner two blocks away from the Chipman Street house the following Monday with the help of her mobile phone provider. An envelope recovered from the vehicle yielded fingerprint evidence that led police to Lemaricus Davidson and 2316 Chipman Street. When police went to the address on Tuesday, January 9, they found the home unoccupied and Christian's body in a trash can in the kitchen.[5] Forensic evidence showed that Christian had also been raped vaginally, orally, and anally.[2] [6] One of the suspects, Vanessa Coleman, later told police that, "she witnessed Christian's mouth being cleaned with a bottle of some type of cleaner," in an attempt to remove DNA evidence.[7] Forensic evidence showed significant trauma caused by "an object" to Christian's vagina, anus, and mouth, and that she had died slowly in the trash can, suffocating while wrapped in curtains, sheets, and several trash bags.[6] There was also evidence of blunt trauma to her head leading to bruising of the brain in addition to bruises found on her neck, arm, back, and anal region.[8] Coleman also said that she had seen "clothes that were stained with blood and smelled of gas being put in the washing machine at the house."[7] Newsom was shot three times, "his body wrapped in a blanket, set afire and dumped alongside nearby railroad tracks." [5][9] Evidence has also been presented that he had been anally raped.[2][6]
[edit] Reaction
The national news media was initially criticized by some for not giving the crime adequate coverage because the victims were white and the suspects black, but one commentator explained that "as bad as this crime is, the apparent absence of any interest group involvement or any other 'angle' might also explain the lack of coverage."[4][10][11][12] This criticism was also fueled by erroneous reports of dismemberment, mutilations, and the duration of Christian's rapes allegedly committed by the suspects, especially in early reports.[13] Most of the original reports along with misinformation reported from a federal deputy shortly after the suspects were apprehended in the arresting state of Kentucky were later denied by the District Attorney.[13] This misinformation was capitalized on by white nationalist groups promoting two small demonstrations in Knoxville against the crime and its lack of mainstream media coverage.[14][15][16][17][18]
Police Chief Sterling Owen IV said that there is no indication the crimes were racially motivated and that the murders and assault "appears to have been a random violent act."[19] "There is absolutely no proof of a hate crime," said John Gill, special counsel to Knox County District Atty. Randy Nichols. "We know from our investigation that the people charged in this case were friends with white people, socialized with white people, dated white people. So not only is there no evidence of any racial animus, there's evidence to the contrary."[20] Some commentators have disagreed, notably including white nationalist Hal Turner, claiming that such a crime would include a motive of racial hate. This viewpoint was also repeated, along with erroneous rumors about the crime, in some conservative-leaning media, including blogger Michelle Malkin on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor program.[18] Prior to the DA's statement, Newsom's mother sympathized with the "hate crime" position stating, "It may have started out as a carjacking, but what it developed into was blacks hating whites."[20] Christian's father (addressing those who used his daughter's death to suit their own agenda) appeared ambivalent, stating "[the crime] ain't about you."[18] However, after the conviction of Eric Boyd, Christian clarified his belief that it was a hate crime, stating that "what they did, you don't do unless you hate."[21]
[edit] Victims
Christian moved from Louisiana to Tennessee with her family in 1997. She was a graduate of Farragut High School and a senior majoring in sociology at the University of Tennessee.[22][23] On January 12 her family released a statement to thank the Knoxville community "for all their prayers and everything." A candlelight vigil was held on the university campus January 25, 2007 in her honor. Newsom, a former baseball player for the Halls High School Red Devils, graduated in 2002. He was interred at Woodhaven Memorial Gardens.[24]
In 2008, a Golf Tournament and Memorial Foundation were established in Channon Christian's memory to provide a scholarship for a Farragut High School Senior to attend the University of Tennessee.
[edit] Suspects and indictments
The four indicted were:
George Geovonni "Detroit" Thomas, 27, faces a total of 46 charges. Thomas was indicted on 16 counts of felony murder growing out of the rape, robbery, kidnapping, and theft of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts of premeditated murder, 2 counts of especially aggravated robbery, 4 counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape, and 2 counts of theft.
Lemaricus Devall "Slim" Davidson, 25, (b. June 13, 1981) faces the same 46 charges as Thomas. Davidson had also completed serving a five-year sentence in Tennessee on a previous felony conviction for carjacking and aggravated robbery on August 5, 2006.
Letalvis "Rome" Cobbins, 24, (b. December 20, 1982) also faces the same 46 charges as Thomas. In 2003, Cobbins was convicted of third-degree attempted robbery in New York state. He and Davidson are brothers.
Vanessa Coleman, 18, was arrested by police in Lebanon, Kentucky. She faces 40 Tennessee state charges. Coleman was indicted on 12 counts of felony murder growing out of the rape, robbery, kidnapping, and theft of Christian and Newsom, 1 count of premeditated murder (of Christian only), 1 count of especially aggravated robbery (of Newsom only), 4 counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape, and 2 counts of theft.
In each indictment, the large number of rape counts were included to provide a range of options for prosecutors, not to reflect the number of rapes which actually occurred.[25]
Further, Eric DeWayne "E" Boyd, 34, was arrested in connection with the fatal carjacking, though not indicted by the Knox County grand jury. Still, Boyd was charged in federal court as an accessory after the fact for helping the suspects evade the police. Later, Boyd was also accused by Thomas and Cobbins of rape and murder, and a search warrant was obtained for his DNA.[26] The accusations did not result in charges.[27]
[edit] Trials
The four suspects indicted in Knox County were originally scheduled to be tried separately, at trials scheduled between May and August of 2008.[28] However, the trial date for the subjects indicted in Knox County was moved back to 2009 in February of 2008.[29] In an apparent attempt to force the prosecution to try the case with the least forensic evidence first, the attorneys for Thomas filed a motion for a speedy trial, arguing there was no forensic link between their client and the crime scene.[30]
District Attorney Randy Nichols has announced that the state would be seeking the death penalty for both Cobbins (currently the first to go to trial) and Coleman if convicted.[31][32] Davidson has also been indicted for a second robbery which was committed after the murders.[28] The publicity against the accused led the defense to argue that a change of venue was required in order to ensure a fair trial. However, the state argued that an impartial jury could be found during voir dire, and the presiding judge subsequently denied the motion as "premature."[33]
[edit] Verdicts
On April 16, 2008, Eric Boyd was found guilty in Federal court of being an accessory to a fatal carjacking and for failing to report the location of a known fugitive. [34] Boyd's was the first case to go to trial, and he was the only suspect not charged with murder.[8] He faces up to 22 years in prison for the convictions.[35]
[edit] References
^ Satterfield, Jamie; Don Jacobs. "Details of double slaying emerge", Knoxville News Sentinel, 2007-01-13. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ a b c d Grand jury presentment in Christian/Newsom case, Knoxville News Sentinel, 2007-03-03
^ Granju, Katie Allison. "Female suspect arraigned in Channon Christian, Chris Newsom murders", WBIR-TV, 2007-04-18. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ a b Lohr, David. "Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian Brutally Murdered As The Nation Looks on", Court TV/Crime Library, 2007-04-03. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ a b Parents' memories of Channon Christian, Knoxville News Sentinel May 22, 2007.
^ a b c Victim's father: 'One down, four to go',, April, 16, 2008.
^ a b Four suspects charged with murder in Knoxville double slaying WATE 6 News, February 1, 2007
^ a b Accessory case deliberations to start Wed. in double murder,, April 15, 2008.
^ Released documents reveal new details of Christian, Newsom murder investigation, WBIR-TV, January 16, 2007,
^ Media criticized in slayings with racial overtone. MSNBC (2007-05-20). Retrieved on 2007-06-30.
^ Mansfield, Duncan. "Critics say news media ignoring Knoxville couple slaying", Associated Press, 2007-05-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-17.
^ Alexander, Mark. "Murder in Black and White", The Patriot Post, 2007-03-04. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ a b Slaying victims lost in the furor, Knoxville News Sentinel, May 27, 2007
^ Dill, Amanda. "White supremacist arrested at Downtown rally", WBIR-TV, 2007-05-26. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ Balloch, Jim. "Rally will protest black-against-white crime", Knoxville News Sentinel, 2007-04-20. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ Balloch, Jim. "Rally 'stressful' but controlled", Knoxville News Sentinel, 2007-05-19. Retrieved on 2007-05-19.
^ White supremacist leader gets 6 months probation for protest charges
^ a b c Sanchez, Casey (Fall 2007). The Big Lie. Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-10-09.
^ Watson, Kay. "City leaders say race not an element in Christian, Newsom murders", WBIR-TV, 2007-05-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-17.
^ a b Witt, H. "What is a Hate Crime?", Chicago Tribune, 2007-06-10. Retrieved on 2007-06-15.
^ Channon Christian's parents speak exclusively to WVLT, WVLT, April 17, 2008.
^ Robinson, Will. "Memorial to be held for loss of student", The Daily Beacon, 2007-01-25. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ Channon Gail Christian, Knoxville News Sentinel from January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-4-20.
^ Chris Newsom, Knoxville News Sentinel from January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-4-20
^ Granju, Katie Allison. "Christian, Newsom murder suspects in court", WBIR-TV, 2007-02-20. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ [1], Knox County, Tennessee from January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-05-17
^ Knoxville, TN Boyd could get double prison sentence with new indictment
^ a b Granju, Katie Allison. "Trials set for suspects in Christian, Newsom murders", WBIR-TV, 2007-05-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-17.
^ Brian, Gregory; Kim Bedford (2008-02-14). Christian-Newsom Murders: Trial for one carjacker moved to 2009, others could follow. WVLT-TV. Retrieved on 2008-02-27.
^ Jamie Satterfield. "Alleged carjacker wants 1st trial". March 7, 2008.
^ Jim Balloch. "State can delay sharing evidence". October 12, 2007.
^ Barker, Scott (2008-02-15). Another death penalty notice in Christian-Newsom slayings. Knoxville News Sentinel. Retrieved on 2008-02-27.
^ Jamie Satterfield. "Judge denies change of venue for Boyd". December 1, 2007.
^ GUILTY: Eric Boyd's Christian-Newsom murder accessory trial over,, April 16, 2008.
^ Boyd guilty of aiding alleged ringleader in fatal carjacking,, April 17, 2008.
[edit] External links
Newsom, Christian Family Reaction w/Video
5th Suspect Arrested in Double Murder, Announcement Expected Soon
Volunteer TV 8 Double Murder Suspect Indicted in Court
Martin, Roland S., "Commentary: Where is the outrage when humans are abused?," CNN
Hugh Christopher Newsom, Jr., 23, and Channon Gail Christian, 21, were a couple from Knoxville, Tennessee. According to a Tennessee grand jury, they were murdered and both were raped after being kidnapped early on the morning of January 7, 2007. Their vehicle had been carjacked.[1][2] Five suspects have been arrested and charged in the case.[3] The grand jury indicted four of the suspects on counts of murder, robbery, kidnapping, rape and theft, while one final suspect has already been convicted of federal charges as accessory after the fact to carjacking.[2]
1 Crime
1.1 Reaction
2 Victims
3 Suspects and indictments
4 Trials
5 Verdicts
6 References
7 External links
[edit] Crime
According to news reports, Christian and Newsom had gone on a date at a local restaurant on Saturday, January 6, 2007, but did not return home. During their night out, the couple was "hijacked, bound and blindfolded and taken back to Lemaricus Devall 'Slim' Davidson's rented house on Chipman Street."[4]
Christian's parents found her abandoned Toyota 4-Runner two blocks away from the Chipman Street house the following Monday with the help of her mobile phone provider. An envelope recovered from the vehicle yielded fingerprint evidence that led police to Lemaricus Davidson and 2316 Chipman Street. When police went to the address on Tuesday, January 9, they found the home unoccupied and Christian's body in a trash can in the kitchen.[5] Forensic evidence showed that Christian had also been raped vaginally, orally, and anally.[2] [6] One of the suspects, Vanessa Coleman, later told police that, "she witnessed Christian's mouth being cleaned with a bottle of some type of cleaner," in an attempt to remove DNA evidence.[7] Forensic evidence showed significant trauma caused by "an object" to Christian's vagina, anus, and mouth, and that she had died slowly in the trash can, suffocating while wrapped in curtains, sheets, and several trash bags.[6] There was also evidence of blunt trauma to her head leading to bruising of the brain in addition to bruises found on her neck, arm, back, and anal region.[8] Coleman also said that she had seen "clothes that were stained with blood and smelled of gas being put in the washing machine at the house."[7] Newsom was shot three times, "his body wrapped in a blanket, set afire and dumped alongside nearby railroad tracks." [5][9] Evidence has also been presented that he had been anally raped.[2][6]
[edit] Reaction
The national news media was initially criticized by some for not giving the crime adequate coverage because the victims were white and the suspects black, but one commentator explained that "as bad as this crime is, the apparent absence of any interest group involvement or any other 'angle' might also explain the lack of coverage."[4][10][11][12] This criticism was also fueled by erroneous reports of dismemberment, mutilations, and the duration of Christian's rapes allegedly committed by the suspects, especially in early reports.[13] Most of the original reports along with misinformation reported from a federal deputy shortly after the suspects were apprehended in the arresting state of Kentucky were later denied by the District Attorney.[13] This misinformation was capitalized on by white nationalist groups promoting two small demonstrations in Knoxville against the crime and its lack of mainstream media coverage.[14][15][16][17][18]
Police Chief Sterling Owen IV said that there is no indication the crimes were racially motivated and that the murders and assault "appears to have been a random violent act."[19] "There is absolutely no proof of a hate crime," said John Gill, special counsel to Knox County District Atty. Randy Nichols. "We know from our investigation that the people charged in this case were friends with white people, socialized with white people, dated white people. So not only is there no evidence of any racial animus, there's evidence to the contrary."[20] Some commentators have disagreed, notably including white nationalist Hal Turner, claiming that such a crime would include a motive of racial hate. This viewpoint was also repeated, along with erroneous rumors about the crime, in some conservative-leaning media, including blogger Michelle Malkin on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor program.[18] Prior to the DA's statement, Newsom's mother sympathized with the "hate crime" position stating, "It may have started out as a carjacking, but what it developed into was blacks hating whites."[20] Christian's father (addressing those who used his daughter's death to suit their own agenda) appeared ambivalent, stating "[the crime] ain't about you."[18] However, after the conviction of Eric Boyd, Christian clarified his belief that it was a hate crime, stating that "what they did, you don't do unless you hate."[21]
[edit] Victims
Christian moved from Louisiana to Tennessee with her family in 1997. She was a graduate of Farragut High School and a senior majoring in sociology at the University of Tennessee.[22][23] On January 12 her family released a statement to thank the Knoxville community "for all their prayers and everything." A candlelight vigil was held on the university campus January 25, 2007 in her honor. Newsom, a former baseball player for the Halls High School Red Devils, graduated in 2002. He was interred at Woodhaven Memorial Gardens.[24]
In 2008, a Golf Tournament and Memorial Foundation were established in Channon Christian's memory to provide a scholarship for a Farragut High School Senior to attend the University of Tennessee.
[edit] Suspects and indictments
The four indicted were:
George Geovonni "Detroit" Thomas, 27, faces a total of 46 charges. Thomas was indicted on 16 counts of felony murder growing out of the rape, robbery, kidnapping, and theft of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts of premeditated murder, 2 counts of especially aggravated robbery, 4 counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape, and 2 counts of theft.
Lemaricus Devall "Slim" Davidson, 25, (b. June 13, 1981) faces the same 46 charges as Thomas. Davidson had also completed serving a five-year sentence in Tennessee on a previous felony conviction for carjacking and aggravated robbery on August 5, 2006.
Letalvis "Rome" Cobbins, 24, (b. December 20, 1982) also faces the same 46 charges as Thomas. In 2003, Cobbins was convicted of third-degree attempted robbery in New York state. He and Davidson are brothers.
Vanessa Coleman, 18, was arrested by police in Lebanon, Kentucky. She faces 40 Tennessee state charges. Coleman was indicted on 12 counts of felony murder growing out of the rape, robbery, kidnapping, and theft of Christian and Newsom, 1 count of premeditated murder (of Christian only), 1 count of especially aggravated robbery (of Newsom only), 4 counts of especially aggravated kidnapping, 20 counts of aggravated rape, and 2 counts of theft.
In each indictment, the large number of rape counts were included to provide a range of options for prosecutors, not to reflect the number of rapes which actually occurred.[25]
Further, Eric DeWayne "E" Boyd, 34, was arrested in connection with the fatal carjacking, though not indicted by the Knox County grand jury. Still, Boyd was charged in federal court as an accessory after the fact for helping the suspects evade the police. Later, Boyd was also accused by Thomas and Cobbins of rape and murder, and a search warrant was obtained for his DNA.[26] The accusations did not result in charges.[27]
[edit] Trials
The four suspects indicted in Knox County were originally scheduled to be tried separately, at trials scheduled between May and August of 2008.[28] However, the trial date for the subjects indicted in Knox County was moved back to 2009 in February of 2008.[29] In an apparent attempt to force the prosecution to try the case with the least forensic evidence first, the attorneys for Thomas filed a motion for a speedy trial, arguing there was no forensic link between their client and the crime scene.[30]
District Attorney Randy Nichols has announced that the state would be seeking the death penalty for both Cobbins (currently the first to go to trial) and Coleman if convicted.[31][32] Davidson has also been indicted for a second robbery which was committed after the murders.[28] The publicity against the accused led the defense to argue that a change of venue was required in order to ensure a fair trial. However, the state argued that an impartial jury could be found during voir dire, and the presiding judge subsequently denied the motion as "premature."[33]
[edit] Verdicts
On April 16, 2008, Eric Boyd was found guilty in Federal court of being an accessory to a fatal carjacking and for failing to report the location of a known fugitive. [34] Boyd's was the first case to go to trial, and he was the only suspect not charged with murder.[8] He faces up to 22 years in prison for the convictions.[35]
[edit] References
^ Satterfield, Jamie; Don Jacobs. "Details of double slaying emerge", Knoxville News Sentinel, 2007-01-13. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ a b c d Grand jury presentment in Christian/Newsom case, Knoxville News Sentinel, 2007-03-03
^ Granju, Katie Allison. "Female suspect arraigned in Channon Christian, Chris Newsom murders", WBIR-TV, 2007-04-18. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ a b Lohr, David. "Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian Brutally Murdered As The Nation Looks on", Court TV/Crime Library, 2007-04-03. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ a b Parents' memories of Channon Christian, Knoxville News Sentinel May 22, 2007.
^ a b c Victim's father: 'One down, four to go',, April, 16, 2008.
^ a b Four suspects charged with murder in Knoxville double slaying WATE 6 News, February 1, 2007
^ a b Accessory case deliberations to start Wed. in double murder,, April 15, 2008.
^ Released documents reveal new details of Christian, Newsom murder investigation, WBIR-TV, January 16, 2007,
^ Media criticized in slayings with racial overtone. MSNBC (2007-05-20). Retrieved on 2007-06-30.
^ Mansfield, Duncan. "Critics say news media ignoring Knoxville couple slaying", Associated Press, 2007-05-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-17.
^ Alexander, Mark. "Murder in Black and White", The Patriot Post, 2007-03-04. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ a b Slaying victims lost in the furor, Knoxville News Sentinel, May 27, 2007
^ Dill, Amanda. "White supremacist arrested at Downtown rally", WBIR-TV, 2007-05-26. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ Balloch, Jim. "Rally will protest black-against-white crime", Knoxville News Sentinel, 2007-04-20. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ Balloch, Jim. "Rally 'stressful' but controlled", Knoxville News Sentinel, 2007-05-19. Retrieved on 2007-05-19.
^ White supremacist leader gets 6 months probation for protest charges
^ a b c Sanchez, Casey (Fall 2007). The Big Lie. Southern Poverty Law Center. Retrieved on 2007-10-09.
^ Watson, Kay. "City leaders say race not an element in Christian, Newsom murders", WBIR-TV, 2007-05-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-17.
^ a b Witt, H. "What is a Hate Crime?", Chicago Tribune, 2007-06-10. Retrieved on 2007-06-15.
^ Channon Christian's parents speak exclusively to WVLT, WVLT, April 17, 2008.
^ Robinson, Will. "Memorial to be held for loss of student", The Daily Beacon, 2007-01-25. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ Channon Gail Christian, Knoxville News Sentinel from January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-4-20.
^ Chris Newsom, Knoxville News Sentinel from January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-4-20
^ Granju, Katie Allison. "Christian, Newsom murder suspects in court", WBIR-TV, 2007-02-20. Retrieved on 2007-06-12.
^ [1], Knox County, Tennessee from January 12, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-05-17
^ Knoxville, TN Boyd could get double prison sentence with new indictment
^ a b Granju, Katie Allison. "Trials set for suspects in Christian, Newsom murders", WBIR-TV, 2007-05-17. Retrieved on 2007-05-17.
^ Brian, Gregory; Kim Bedford (2008-02-14). Christian-Newsom Murders: Trial for one carjacker moved to 2009, others could follow. WVLT-TV. Retrieved on 2008-02-27.
^ Jamie Satterfield. "Alleged carjacker wants 1st trial". March 7, 2008.
^ Jim Balloch. "State can delay sharing evidence". October 12, 2007.
^ Barker, Scott (2008-02-15). Another death penalty notice in Christian-Newsom slayings. Knoxville News Sentinel. Retrieved on 2008-02-27.
^ Jamie Satterfield. "Judge denies change of venue for Boyd". December 1, 2007.
^ GUILTY: Eric Boyd's Christian-Newsom murder accessory trial over,, April 16, 2008.
^ Boyd guilty of aiding alleged ringleader in fatal carjacking,, April 17, 2008.
[edit] External links
Newsom, Christian Family Reaction w/Video
5th Suspect Arrested in Double Murder, Announcement Expected Soon
Volunteer TV 8 Double Murder Suspect Indicted in Court
Martin, Roland S., "Commentary: Where is the outrage when humans are abused?," CNN
really sucks to be unarmed
Courageous Victim Recounts 19 Hours Of Rape And Torture In Stunning Courtroom Testimony
Tuesday June 10, 2008 Staff
Warning: the following story contains extremely graphic and disturbing testimony about a terrible crime. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.
We can't tell you her name but she was able to tell a jury about what happened to her. And her determination to recount some of the most incredible savagery ever heard in a courtroom is testimony to her courage and her desire to see justice done.
The recall of a Columbia University student that unfolded in a New York City hall of justice on Monday was almost too hard to hear. The 24-year-old victim sat in the witness box with her jaw clenched and her mind focused, as she retold the unimaginable ordeal she claims she suffered at the hands of 31-year-old Robert Williams (top left).
The ex-con stared straight ahead as his 24-year-old accuser poured out her story of a 19-hour rape and torture session, a day-long siege so brutal she begged her attacker to kill her.
It happened on April 13, 2007 when Williams allegedly burst into her New York City apartment.
He's accused of forcing her to have oral sex and raping her seven times during that ordeal, but that wasn't the worst of it.
He allegedly scalded her with boiling water from a kettle, forced her to take massive doses of painkillers, used a knife to mutilate her face and slice her eyelids and ordered her to gouge out her own eyes using the same blade.
When she refused, cops say he threw bleach into her face in an attempt to blind her.
"I was burning all over," the witness related in terms so vivid many jury members had to look away. "He threw the rest of the bleach into my face, but I was able to close my eyes in time. I was breathing it in. My lungs were burning."
And still she didn't give up. At one point, she fought back, using the scissors police contend he forced her to cut her hair with. "I tried to stab him in the neck," she testified, noting she cut two of her own fingers in the attempt. "He grabbed my hand and threw me into the corner.
"When he started raping me again, I was sure I was going to die.
"I asked him, 'How does this end?' and he said, 'You know how this ends,'" she told the hushed courtroom. "I took that to mean he was going to kill me."
By the time her attacker poured a second kettle of boiling water on her open wounds, the woman was pleading for him to kill her so the pain would stop.
"I was screaming and crying and in so much pain and agony," she testified. "I said, 'Just kill me. You know you're going to kill me anyway. Just kill me.'"
But she claims he refused. "No, you're not good enough for that," she said he told her. When he ordered her to gouge out her own eyes a second time, she took the blade, ready to commit suicide.
"I was in so much pain I decided to aim for my neck, and if I died it would be so much quicker than how he was going to do it," she related. She tried to fall onto the blade but missed.
That enraged the intruder so much that he struck her with something, possibly her own TV set. The attacker then slashed at her eyelids again, "beating my face, my eye sockets, with the blunt end of the knife."
She screamed until she mercifully blacked out.
But mercy wasn't something this man had for her.
When she came to, she was alone in her apartment and tied to her bed. Her intruder was gone but had left one last terrible surprise for her. He started a fire in her room, hoping to kill her as she lay there helpless. She couldn't untie her hands so she made one last incredible decision to burn off the ties that kept her captive.
She finally broke free and despite the unbelievable violence and injury, managed to reach her front door as the flames spread quickly behind her. She raced out of the apartment and found a couple who took her to their residence and called 911.
The woman suffered liver failure from the overdose of pills, severe scarring and burns and spent months in physical therapy. She's finally able to move normally again, but her physical and mental scars may never heal.
At first Williams refused to appear in court to hear her recount what happened that day. But a judge ordered his presence as she stayed strong on the stand and finished her agonizing story of survival against all odds.
The attorney for the accused admits it was a tough day. "It's always damning when a witness identifies your client," Arnold Levine notes in something of a massive understatement. He refused to cross examine her and her long day came to an end.
It's expected he'll argue witnesses have identified the wrong man.
Williams is facing 71 different charges, including attempted murder, assault, rape and arson. If convicted, he'll likely spend the rest of his life in jail.
Photo courtesy: New York City Police Dept.
Courageous Victim Recounts 19 Hours Of Rape And Torture In Stunning Courtroom Testimony
Tuesday June 10, 2008 Staff
Warning: the following story contains extremely graphic and disturbing testimony about a terrible crime. Viewer discretion is strongly advised.
We can't tell you her name but she was able to tell a jury about what happened to her. And her determination to recount some of the most incredible savagery ever heard in a courtroom is testimony to her courage and her desire to see justice done.
The recall of a Columbia University student that unfolded in a New York City hall of justice on Monday was almost too hard to hear. The 24-year-old victim sat in the witness box with her jaw clenched and her mind focused, as she retold the unimaginable ordeal she claims she suffered at the hands of 31-year-old Robert Williams (top left).
The ex-con stared straight ahead as his 24-year-old accuser poured out her story of a 19-hour rape and torture session, a day-long siege so brutal she begged her attacker to kill her.
It happened on April 13, 2007 when Williams allegedly burst into her New York City apartment.
He's accused of forcing her to have oral sex and raping her seven times during that ordeal, but that wasn't the worst of it.
He allegedly scalded her with boiling water from a kettle, forced her to take massive doses of painkillers, used a knife to mutilate her face and slice her eyelids and ordered her to gouge out her own eyes using the same blade.
When she refused, cops say he threw bleach into her face in an attempt to blind her.
"I was burning all over," the witness related in terms so vivid many jury members had to look away. "He threw the rest of the bleach into my face, but I was able to close my eyes in time. I was breathing it in. My lungs were burning."
And still she didn't give up. At one point, she fought back, using the scissors police contend he forced her to cut her hair with. "I tried to stab him in the neck," she testified, noting she cut two of her own fingers in the attempt. "He grabbed my hand and threw me into the corner.
"When he started raping me again, I was sure I was going to die.
"I asked him, 'How does this end?' and he said, 'You know how this ends,'" she told the hushed courtroom. "I took that to mean he was going to kill me."
By the time her attacker poured a second kettle of boiling water on her open wounds, the woman was pleading for him to kill her so the pain would stop.
"I was screaming and crying and in so much pain and agony," she testified. "I said, 'Just kill me. You know you're going to kill me anyway. Just kill me.'"
But she claims he refused. "No, you're not good enough for that," she said he told her. When he ordered her to gouge out her own eyes a second time, she took the blade, ready to commit suicide.
"I was in so much pain I decided to aim for my neck, and if I died it would be so much quicker than how he was going to do it," she related. She tried to fall onto the blade but missed.
That enraged the intruder so much that he struck her with something, possibly her own TV set. The attacker then slashed at her eyelids again, "beating my face, my eye sockets, with the blunt end of the knife."
She screamed until she mercifully blacked out.
But mercy wasn't something this man had for her.
When she came to, she was alone in her apartment and tied to her bed. Her intruder was gone but had left one last terrible surprise for her. He started a fire in her room, hoping to kill her as she lay there helpless. She couldn't untie her hands so she made one last incredible decision to burn off the ties that kept her captive.
She finally broke free and despite the unbelievable violence and injury, managed to reach her front door as the flames spread quickly behind her. She raced out of the apartment and found a couple who took her to their residence and called 911.
The woman suffered liver failure from the overdose of pills, severe scarring and burns and spent months in physical therapy. She's finally able to move normally again, but her physical and mental scars may never heal.
At first Williams refused to appear in court to hear her recount what happened that day. But a judge ordered his presence as she stayed strong on the stand and finished her agonizing story of survival against all odds.
The attorney for the accused admits it was a tough day. "It's always damning when a witness identifies your client," Arnold Levine notes in something of a massive understatement. He refused to cross examine her and her long day came to an end.
It's expected he'll argue witnesses have identified the wrong man.
Williams is facing 71 different charges, including attempted murder, assault, rape and arson. If convicted, he'll likely spend the rest of his life in jail.
Photo courtesy: New York City Police Dept.
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